February 2, 1994

Clerk James Kelly
Session D, Room 313
Suffolk Superior Court
117 Old Courthouse
Building Pemberton Square
Boston, MA 02108

Re: Commonwealth of Massachusetts V. V&M Management, Inc. et al. - Civil Action No. 90-5433 -D; VS.M Management Inc. v. Boston Redevelopment Authority, et al. - Civil Action No. 89-6500-E (Consolidated)

Dear Mr. Kelly

This is to confirm the substance of our telphone conversation of today's date. I am given to understand by you that despite the fact that all parties, including the defendants in the Commonwealth's action, are willing to have Judge Spurlock hear pending motions in the above referenced consolidated actions. Judge Spurlock will not sit on any case in which our office represents the Commonwealth. Therefore. you are taking the hearing that was scheduled in those cases for 2:00 p.m. on February 10, 1994 off the calendar. I am also given to understand that you will endeavor to take the enclosed list of motions that the parties view as being open issues that the court has not ruled on and have them assigned to another judge for a hearing. While it is possible that there are other outstanding matters, these are the open motions that we are presently aware of. By copies of this letter I am advising the parties of the status the matter.

Yours very truly,
Leslie B. Greer

cc: V. Aronow, B. Haight, P. Buckley, J. Roddy, M. Lee